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Ashland High School senior Andre Harrison passed away Tuesday night due to a fentanyl-related drug overdose. 

Jeremy Harrison, Andre’s father posted a statement to Facebook on Wednesday morning.  

“Our beautiful, beloved son Andre died in an apparent fentanyl-related overdose. Andre was a high school senior, and he found great joy in running.

We are thankful for the friends and family who are already supporting us in this difficult time.

We are thankful for a lot of great men and women who love Jesus and went out of their way to model that to Andre over the years.

We are thankful that he made a decision to pray and accept Christ at a track meet in May 2022, and later be baptized. And most of all, we are rejoicing with great assurance that he is in heaven, with no more pain. We celebrate the impact our son made on our lives, while grieving a beautiful life, cut short. Thank you for all your prayers and support,” reads the statement made by Jeremy Harrison.  

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