Grudge (move) - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokmon encyclopedia

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Grudge (Japanese: おんねん Grudge) is a non-damaging Ghost-type move introduced in Generation III.


151Mew.pngThis move effect may be in need of research.
Reason: If a Pokémon with Truant uses Grudge (for instance, Slaking uses Metronome and calls Grudge), then loafs around the next turn, then is defeated before using a move the second turn, will Grudge take effect?
You can discuss this on the talk page.

When Grudge is used, if the user faints as the direct result of an attack, the move which causes the user to faint will lose all of its PP. This move's effect only works if the user faints before making another move. Grudge does not activate for Struggle or for damage that occurs at the end of the turn, including damage from Leech Seed, poison, burn, Sandstorm, Hail, and Future Sight.

If powered up by a Ghostium Z into Z-Grudge, the user becomes the center of attention, forcing all of the opponent's moves to target the user for the turn, if possible.

If the Grudge user faints as the result of a Z-Move, Grudge will have no effect. If it faints as the result of a Max Move, Grudge will activate and display the name of the base move that was powered up, depleting all PP from that move.

Grudge can be used as the second move of a Pokémon Contest combination, with the user gaining 1 bonus appeal point if Curse was used in the previous turn. It is also part of a Contest Spectacular combination with the user gaining an extra three appeal points if any of the moves Encore, Taunt or Torment was used in the prior turn.

Generation IX

Grudge cannot be selected in a battle.


RSColoXDIf the user faints, deletes the PP of the final move.
EIf the user faints, deletes all PP of foe's last move.
FRLGIf the user faints, this move deletes the PP of the move that finished it.
DPPtHGSSPBRIf the user faints, the user's grudge fully depletes the PP of the foe's move that knocked it out.
If the user faints, the user's grudge fully depletes the PP of the opponent's move that knocked it out.
SVThis move can't be used. It's recommended that this move is forgotten. Once forgotten, this move can't be remembered.


By leveling up

By breeding

In other games

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series

Prior to Super Mystery Dungeon, the user gains the Grudge status condition. If the affected Pokémon is knocked out, the move that knocked it out will have all its PP depleted. If the Pokémon is knocked out by a standard attack, the PP of the last used move will be depleted. This effect is blocked by Reviver Seed and is therefore useless on the team leader. The Grudge status condition lasts for the entire floor.

From Super Mystery Dungeon, the user cuts its HP in half to gain the Grudge status condition. The PP of the attacker's move will be depleted to 0 when the user is attacked (but does not need to faint for this effect to trigger). This status condition lasts for 3 turns.


MDRBThe user gains the Grudge status. If the user is defeated, it zeroes the PP of the move last used by the foe.
MDTDSGives the user the Grudge status, which zeroes the PP of an enemy's move that makes the user faint.
BSLじぶんを おんねんじょうたいにかえる じぶんが たおれたときに こうげきしてきた ポケモンの さいごにくりだしたわざの PPを 0にする
MDGtIYou'll get the Grudge status. If you faint with the Grudge status, it cuts the PP of the enemy's last move to 0.
SMDIt halves your HP, which makes you hold a grudge!*
You'll halve your HP and hold a grudge! If you're attacked, you'll cut the PP of the attacker's move to 0. The status will go away after a while.*

In the manga

Pokémon Adventures

In other generations

Core series games

Side series games

Spin-off series games


  • This move originated as a TCG attack.
  • In Generation III, the status screen erroneously states that the move has 100% accuracy, even though it targets the user (thus it ignores accuracy and evasion checks).
  • Despite its category matching this move in English and Japanese, Runerigus cannot learn Grudge.

In other languages
